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Operating Systems PPT PDF SLIDES

Operating Systems PPT PDF SLIDES

Professor: Jerry Breecher,

Course Description

This course provides a graduate-level introduction to the theory and design of multi-programmed operating systems. Some of the topic areas covered include concurrent processes, process communication, input/output supervisors, memory management, resource allocation, and process scheduling. Selected topics in distributed operating systems will also be addressed.


Any of these editions will work fine: Silberschatz, Abraham, Peter B. Glavin and Greg Gagne,
Operating System Concepts, Eighth Update Edition ISBN: 978-1-1181-1273-1
Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition, John Wiley ISBN: 978-0-470-12872-5
Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition, E-Book: Wiley Desktop Edition ISBN 978-0-470-47298-9
I expect that you can use the Seventh edition at a considerably lower price.

A book that contains a lot of great material (and which I will be referencing) is:
Doeppner, Thomas, Operating Systems in Depth John Wiley ISBN:978-0-471-68723-8

Download Lectures

Lecture Title PowerPoint
Overview Overview.ppt
Components Structures.ppt
Project Start_Here.ppt
Processes Processes.ppt
Threads Threads.ppt
Scheduling Scheduling.ppt
Synchronization Synchronization.ppt
Deadlocks Deadlocks.ppt
Memory Management Mem_Mgmt.ppt
Virtual Memory Virtual_Memory.ppt   Intel.ppt
File Systems File_Sys.ppt
IO Systems IO_Systems.ppt
Distributed Systems Dist_Sys.ppt
Distributed File System Dist_File_Sys.ppt
Distributed Coordination Dist_Coord.ppt
Security Security.ppt